This Year’s Hole Sponsors
Bill & Judy Brown
Denise Mayfield
Cindy Jenkins
Jim McAllister
Brian Turner
Mindy Costanzo
Alan Leach
Trevor Smith
Pete Estep
The Schossow Group
Bruce & Katy Dinsmore
Steve Warren
Miller Furniture
The Paper Clip
Sheila Barclay
Lisa & Phillip Bell
John McCarthy & Mel Torpey
Bob & The Wailers
The Worm Burners
The Fun Loving Guy
Results of 2023 Member/Guest
1st flight
1st Gross Bill Gist / Matt Gist
2nd Gross Bruce Eggers / Brandon Eggers
3rd Gross Brent Buckley / Jason Browder
1st Net Skylor Wild / Ryan Barnes
2nd Net Perry Anderson / Evan Skaar
3rd Net Dave Taylor / Adam Jardon
2nd Flight
1st Gross Scott Schultheis / Jon Van Etten
2nd Gross Tim Pearson / Frank Luna
3rd Gross Erik Suazo / Ben Hayes
1st Net Nick Daurio / Matthew Samek
2nd Net Nick Spallone / Joe Spallone
3rd Net Denise Mayfield / Glena Miller
3rd flight
1st Gross John Perusek / Micheal Perusek
2nd Gross Mike Spallone / Nick Spallone Jr.
3rd Gross Tom Wattier / Carl Ethal
1st Net Craig Cooper / Jeff Cole
2nd Net David Skovgaard / Steve Spanton
3rd Net Sean Besecker / Jared Hooks
4th flight
1st Gross Doug Sparks / Matthew Sparks
2nd Gross Brett Underhill / Joe Hayes
3rd Gross Dave Seymour / Fred Villamore
1st Net Larry McKinley / Tim Coonce
2nd Net Craig Batchelor / Jim Lavieri
3rd Net Zach Coffey / Jefferson Crowe
5th flight
1st Gross Ralph Spear / Scott Spear
2nd Gross Ted Bemis / Kim Bemis
3rd Gross Van Taylor / Tyler Williams
1st Net Rachel Rudolph / Ed Rudolph
2nd Net Daniel Dupless / Marshall Rickey
3rd Net Jon Garfall / Jim Milski
Congratulations to all of the winners. Thanks for everyone that participated!